Genesis Bathing Download
See video clips below.
Do you love fractal images? Then you will really love fractal videos. The fractals are in full motion with a music soundtrack. They will blow your socks off!
Fractal videos are made by generating a sequence of slightly changing fractals. Each second of video requires 60 separate fractal images to be generated. A 3 1/4 minute video requires the generation of 11,800 images! Even with my newest computing equipment, it takes over 8 days running 24x7 to generate the necessary fractal images. This video is created starting with one of my still fractals. I then generate intermediate images that eventually become another one of my fractals.
You can view full HD resolution versions of my fractal videos below. The videos "Genesis Bathing" and "Erupting Realities" are full length. The other seven videos are short samples to give you an idea of what each video is like. You can also access the videos on my youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/itskevingross
NOTE: This download contains full 1080p HD video. After you complete payment click the "Order History" link and the "Downloads" tab. Click "Download" to start your download. This page should also detail how many downloads you have left and when the download link expires. To access the download link at a later date, go to Sales / Order History, enter your email address and the token at the bottom of your email receipt and click "View".